New Hope Moravian Church Committees: Descriptions
Worship Committee
Chairperson ~ Jane Bumgarner
Consists of the pastor, organist, director of music, band-leader, head diener, sacristan, and as many other members of the congregation as are interested in the function and formation of the worship life of New Hope Moravian Church. Monthly meetings will serve to coordinate and plan worship services, and also to explore and discuss the potential of new/non-traditional modes of worship and their implementation within our spiritual life.
Commitment and Stewardship Committee
Chairperson ~ Mark Bumgarner
Consists of the Treasurer and as many other members of the congregation as are interested in the financial stewardship and commitment of the church. Preparation, monitoring, and maintenance of a yearly budget are the primary tasks of this committee. All decisions concerning the financial affairs, raising of funds, development of stewardship and financial programming, and the campus and grounds of New Hope Moravian Church are to be steered by this committee.
Christian Education Committee
Chairperson ~ Steve Larsen
Consists of all Sunday school teachers, youth leaders, adult program leaders, and as many other members of the congregation as are interested in fostering opportunities for reflective spiritual growth and education on behalf of the whole church. Monthly meetings will serve to discuss and plan all Youth activities, Vacation Bible School, Sunday school, and other activities.
Missions Committee
Chairperson ~ Dan Greaser
Consists of any members of the congregations interested in impacting our community and the lives of the people in it. This committee is called to reach out to the un-churched and persons no longer attending church with the message of the Gospel, exemplified in Jesus.
Service, Witness, and Fellowship Committee
Chairperson ~ Malissa Bumgarner
Consists of any members of the congregation interested in developing and maintaining programs and events that attend to the family life and outreach of the congregation. From social/fellowship events to mission/service projects, the work of this committee is centered on keeping the congregation active and involved in church life all week and throughout the year. This Committee is charged with coordinating fellowship events, receptions, church-wide special meals and maintaining a welcoming environment for all. It is a vital ministry of New Hope.
Yadkin View Regional Conference of Churches (RCC)
Chairperson ~ Lynn Thrower (New Philadelphia Moravian Church)
New Hope Reps ~ Malissa Bumgarner & Pat deBlois & Rev. Betty A. Helms
In 2010, the Southern Provence Synod of Moravian Church created "Regional Conferences of Churches" (or RCCs) for the purpose of improving communication, shared ministries and helping each other. The RCCs provide periodic updates and communicate with the Board of Cooperative Ministries (BCM) regarding any RCC questions, challenges or ways in which the BCM may support the work of the RCC. Our New Hope Moravian Church's RCC has done the following as examples: 2 Womens's Days, 2 Joint Music Festivals and are currently rebuilding an adopted home in Lemberton, NC devastated by both hurricanes and floods.
RCCs are entities made up of 4-6 congregations and fellowships. Two lay representatives from each church (one from fellowships), as well as the pastor of that congregation serve on a committee that oversees the cooperative efforts of the churches. The RCC Representatives are elected to serve a two-year term in rotation so that one overlaps the other. Their responsibilities are to attend the quarterly meetings, communicate needs and encourage participation in ministries, mission projects and other joint activities. New Hope's RCC is called "Yadkin View RCC" and consists of the following churches:
- New Hope Moravian Church
- Clemmons Moravian Church
- Macedonia Moravian Church
- New Philadelphia Moravian Church
- Unity Moravian Church