Macaroni KidsServing Catawba County for over 30 years, the Preschool at New Hope Moravian Church offers students ages 18 months to 5 years old a positive learning experience. Located on Sandy Ford Road in Newton, our mission is to provide a loving and Christian atmosphere where children can grow and thrive in a positive, nurturing environment. We strive to meet the social, academic and spiritual needs of each child so that we can prepare them to meet the demands of their next learning experience.

Our 2 and 3 year-old classes follow a monthly theme-based curriculum which includes reading, counting, sequencing, science and art activities. Our 4 year-old and transitional kindergarten classes, in compliance with the CORE standards and Catawba County Schools, provide a theme-based curriculum focused on math, science, and handwriting. We use the Letterland curriculum, supplemented with other programs to teach letter and sound recognition and promote early literacy. All classes have a structured day which includes center play, outside play, and circle time. Hands-on learning activities include baking, gardening, and building projects.

New Hope Handbook At New Hope, we guide students as they learn through exploration and play. Our students do many arts and crafts and music activities. Our outside programming includes bi-monthly classes with Stretch-n-Grow fitness program, Catawba Science Center and the Art Adventures program through the Hickory Art Museum. We also participate in the Book Baggers Program through Catawba County Library System which allows us to use and exchange books on a monthly basis. Classes also participate in several field trips throughout the school year. These have included the pumpkin patch, the art museum and Discovery Place Kids and plays.

All classes are from 8:30-11:30am Monday through Thursday. The Lunch Bunch program offers additional child care options until 12:30pm. Our 2025-2026 school year starts Tuesday, September 2nd. We also offer a Summer Camp program, which includes classes for school-age children up through rising 5th graders.

Childrens Morning Out at New Hope Moravian Church

Our Curriculum

Our 2 and 3 year old class follows a hands-on theme based curriculum which includes reading, counting, sequencing, science and art activities. Our 4 year old and Kindergarten Readiness classes, in compliance with the CORE standards adopted by Catawba County Schools, provides a theme based curriculum focused on math, science, early literacy, and handwriting.

Our Activities Include:

  • School-wide Chapel
  • Story Time and Book Checkout
  • Bible lessons and activities
  • Arts and Crafts

Outside Programming:

  • Catawba Science Center Classes
  • Art Adventures by Hickory Museum
  • Stretch n' Grow Fitness Program
  • Bookbaggers (Catawba County Library)
Outside activities at New Hope Moravian Church for children in our CMO and Pre-School Programs

Summer Camp

Summer Camp registration begins in the spring each year. This is an exciting time of learning and fun for ages 18 months through 5th graders. We will have a weekly theme and have lots of fun activities planned, including Bible stories, outdoor activities, sand and water play, science experiments, crafts, and music.

Click here for more information about this year's Summer Camp.

2025-2026 School Year
Registration begins each spring for our fall school year program. Fall classes begin the Tuesday after Labor Day. Classes are held Monday through Thursday (8:30am - 11:30am) with Lunch Bunch option from 11:30am - 12:30pm. The registration fee is $60. Click here for more information about our Fall School Year Program. Call for additional information or to set up a tour.
pdfRegistration Form
For an additional fee of $5, students can bring a packed lunch and eat with their friends on Mondays through Thursdays until 12:30 PM.

Information & Pricing

Class Days Times Capacity 3 Days 4 Days
2 Year Old Class Monday-Thursday 8:30AM - 11:30AM 6 per day $195 $225
3,4,5 Year Old Classes Monday-Thursday 8:30AM - 11:30AM 8 $195 $225
TK Class * Monday-Thursday 8:30AM - 11:30AM 8 --- $225
Lunch Bunch Monday-Thursday 11:30AM - 12:30PM No Limit $5 per day
*Transitional Kindergarten Class for children who turn 5 on or before Dec. 31st

Please call the church office (828-294-4802) and speak with Jen Morris for more information and to have your questions answered.

“Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”
Proverbs 2:6

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